Articles on: Events

Adding deal room event(s) to personal calendar

Can I add a deal room event to my calendar?

You will automatically receive a calendar event (.ics) on your email when you have marked your attendance status as "Attending", "Attending online" (if this option is available) or "Maybe".

A calendar event is also sent automatically when an admin (in this context an user who has full events access in the deal room) marks the corresponding status on behalf of the member.

How to set up an integration with/sync all upcoming deal room events to my calendar?

You can find the link that allows you to set up connection between your calendar application and deal room events when you:
open the deal room which events you want to see in your calendar
navigate to the Events page from the left side menu
open the actions menu on top of the Events page
choose "Integrate to calendar"

You can copy this link to set up the integration. Once you have completed the setup in your calendar app, all existing (except for the ones you have responded "not attending" to) and new events that are created in the deal room will show up in your calendar automatically.

If you are unsure how to sync events from the web to your calendar application, please check the FAQ/help page of the app or contact their support.

Updated on: 15/02/2024

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