Articles on: Startup / Company

Managing team members of your company

Team members of your company can be added to either manage your company profile in Dealum and/or to showcase your key team members on your applications and company page.

How can I add new team members?
What is the function of "access", "include in company profile" and "send invitation to member"?
How can I edit or remove a team member?
How can I resend an invitation to a team member?
How can I remove myself from a company profile?

How can I add new team members?

To add team members, follow these steps:
Click on "Team" on the left side menu
Click on "Add member"
Add team member's info
Select access rights
Select if the team member is shown in the company profile
Select if you are inviting the team member to Dealum
Click "OK"
Click "Save and publish"

What is the function of "access", "include in company profile" and "send invitation to member"?

Access of your team member has two options: member and admin. All team members with an account, will be able to apply to deal rooms and change company profile, company page, reporting data and company settings. Only admins can add, edit and remove team members.

Including a member in company profile will make the team member visible to anyone who has access to your applications (deal rooms and their members) and to those with the link to your company profile:

Team members who are not included in the company profile will not be seen by anyone outside your company.

Team members with the Founder checkbox ticked will be shown first on the company profile.

Sending an invitation to a member will able that member to create an account in Dealum and connect that account with your company profile. After that, they can help fill in applications and update company data based on their access.

How can I edit or remove a team member?

Click on "Team" on the left side menu
Click on the pencil icon

To edit the member:
Make the changes
Click on "OK"
Click "Save and publish"

To delete the member:
Click on "Delete" in the bottom left corner
Click "Save and publish"

You cannot remove a team member who has been set as the contact person of your company. To remove that person from your company, you first have to set another team member as the contact person.

How can I resend an invitation to a team member?

If you need to resend invitation link to your team member, follow these steps:
Click on "Team" on the left side menu
Click on the pencil icon
Click on "Resend"
Confirmation in black box will appear at the top
Click "OK" or anywhere outside of the editing window

How can I remove myself from a company profile?

To remove yourself from a company, follow these steps:
Go to
Find the company you wish to leave
Click on the additional action menu (downwards triangle)

Click "Leave the company"
Wait for the 5-second countdown
Click "Leave"

You can only remove yourself from a company profile when you're not the contact person of your company.

Updated on: 14/12/2022

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