Articles on: Portfolio / Reporting

Portfolio (overview)

How does portfolio management work on Dealum?
Video tutorial about using Portfolio
How to interpret the portfolio summary?
How can I add/copy investments from an investor group's portfolio to my personal portfolio?
Visibility of Portfolio

How does portfolio management work on Dealum?

Only members who have full edit access to portfolio can manage the deal room's Portfolio. The deal room also needs to have paid subscription to use full functionality in Portfolio.

The Portfolio feature is available in the following type of deal rooms:
Angel investor
VC or fund
Accelerator or incubator
Investor group

It allows you to track information about investments you or the entity have/has made. Portfolio is meant for storing financial information about closed investments, company information is always stored in the funnel on a corresponding application.

For each portfolio company, it’s possible to add equity and other type of rounds. Other rounds include convertible notes, loans, SAFEs and grants. Different round types can hold different information. Exits can be recorded in the portfolio as well.

Rounds you or the entity didn’t invest in can also be added to accurately track how the company’s valuation has changed through different rounds. Alternatively, you could just add and update information about the latest post-money valuation if you don’t have detailed information about the last round(s).

Investor groups can also record member investments in Portfolio (which members invested in the funding round and how much each of them invested). They can choose how much access they give their members to the portfolio. If members have Portfolio access, they can view details about their own investments, summary of investments they have made with the group (current value, profit etc). Depending on access, they might be able to see other investments the group has made as well.

It’s also possible to see companies’ reporting data directly from Portfolio, have a company-related discussion and upload company-related documents in Portfolio.

Portfolio data can also be exported. Deal room admins (members with full access to deal room settings) can export member portfolios as well as full portfolio information. Members can export data about their own investments if they have portfolio access.

If you're a member of an investor group deal room and are looking to view information about investments you have made with the group, then this article is for you.

Video tutorial about using Portfolio

Instructions in the video are applicable for members who have full edit access to Portfolio.

How to interpret the portfolio summary?

The data on top of the portfolio view shows a summary of the deal room’s investments. If member investments have also been added to the portfolio, each member will see their personal summary next to the deal room summary.

The summary changes when you click open the rounds view of a portfolio company. Then it shows how much the deal room and the member have invested in that company.

This is how the values in the portfolio summary should be interpreted:
Currently invested = total active investments. This value excludes investments the deal room/the member has exited from, convertible notes and loans that have been paid back and other investments that are no longer active.
Current value = current value of active investments. Calculated based on latest available valuations added to the portfolio. This value shows you how much you’d get if exits would happen at current valuations.
Realized profit = profit/loss earned from investments (includes exits, interest on convertible notes and loans that have been paid back, profit/loss from selling shares, and similar).
Withdrawn = money that used to be invested but is no longer an active investment.

If 100 000 was invested in a company that has now exited and 500 000 was received from the exit, 100 000 would be shown as withdrawn and 400 000 would be shown as realized profit.

How can I add/copy investments from an investor group's portfolio to my personal portfolio?

To add investments to the portfolio of your personal deal room, your personal deal room needs to have a subscription. You can upgrade your deal room from Settings > Billing.

To add an investment to your personal portfolio:
navigate to the investment in the investor group’s portfolio
click on the portfolio company to see the rounds view
open the Actions menu on top of the view
choose “Add to another deal room”
choose the right deal room (usually your personal deal room should already be pre-selected)
choose if you want to copy also the company applications that are related to the funding rounds to your personal funnel (tick “Company applications” under “Include”)
choose if you want to copy the investments of matching members to the portfolio of your personal deal room (this is useful only if you are sharing your deal room with family/team members and each of them would like to be able to look at their investments separately)
click “Add"

You are able to edit any data in your personal portfolio, including the investments you’ve added from an investor group’s portfolio.

If you want to add a funding round to a company that is already in your personal portfolio (e.g. the investor group invested in the round after you had already added the previous rounds to your personal portfolio), please use the same action. Only the new round(s) will be copied as a result, meaning the previous rounds will be automatically skipped and no duplicates will be created in your personal portfolio. Alternatively, you can manually enter information about the new round(s) directly to your personal portfolio.

When the investor group’s primary currency is different from your personal deal room’s, the financial data you’re adding to your personal portfolio will be automatically converted into the primary currency of your personal deal room. Numbers are rounded in the conversion process, so the data might not be 100% accurate after the conversion and we recommend reviewing it (and adjusting if needed) in your personal portfolio.

Visibility of Portfolio

Visibility to members
You can change the visibility of your portfolio to deal room members by adjusting “Portfolio access” in Member groups setup. You can read more about it here.

Visibility to external users
You can also choose to display the list of companies your organization has invested in (companies that are in your deal room’s Portfolio) publicly in Dealum. Only company names will be shown and this information will be displayed in two places if enabled:
In your deal room profile
On all applications and profile of the portfolio company

To enable portfolio visibility:
open the Portfolio page in your deal room
go to Visibility setup
choose “Show names of portfolio companies”
click on “Select companies” and make your choices if you want to exclude some companies from being publicly shown as part of your Portfolio
Save the changes

Updated on: 15/10/2024

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