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Settings page is for making sure all details of your deal room work alongside your processes.
Exporting information about companies in the deal room
How can I export the company applications from my deal room? How can I export contact details of companies in my deal room? How can I export documents connected to an application? (https://help.dealum.com/en/article/exporting-information-about-companies-in-the-deal-room
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Exporting information about deal room members
Only members with full access to deal room settings can export data. To export the information of your deal room members, go to your deal room Settings, and open the ‘Export / Import’ tab. There you have an option to download an Excel file with all deal room members' information. The export includes the list of your deal room members together with their emails, phone numbers and other information provided on their investor profiles. You can also export the information of your deal room members
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Collecting payments from deal room members and companies
How to start collecting payments in your deal room? How to charge (membership) fees from deal room members? How to charge fees from companies? (https://help.dealum.com/en/artic
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Deal room's subscription and billing
How can I cancel my subscription/trial? How can
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