Adding deal room members and collecting member applications
How to add network members or investment partners, team members and other people to my deal room? How to collect member applications? How to viPopularManaging access of deal room members
How to give different deal room members different access in the deal room? How to create and edit member (access) groups? How to change access of a deal room member? ( profiles of deal room members
Which members can have investor profiles? How to view profiles of deal room members? How to request a profile update from members? ( readersCommunicating with deal room members
Is it possible to have an internal discussion about a company between deal room members? What is the "Discussions" section on company applications about and who can see it? How to create a discussion between members that would not bFew readersAdding tags and internal notes to members
How can I add tags to members? How can I add internal notes to members? How can I add tags to members? You can add tags to deal room members when application and member tags are enabled in your deal room. You can enable/disable themFew readersMember documents
How can I upload member-related documents? Deal room members with ‘full edit access’ to members can attach documents to the profile of any member by opening it from the members list and navigating to the documents tab. They can decide for each document whether they want it to be visibleFew readersConfiguring the Members page list view
You can choose which fields are displayed in the member list view by opening the menu from the three dots in the top right corner of your member list and choosing "Select fields". In the popup view, tick the fields that you want to see in your member list. Don't forget to click “Save” when you’ve made your selection. ( readersTracking member activity
How can I track member activity in my deal room? There are a few ways to track member activity in your deal room. Member activity labels In the members' list, there is an 'Activity' column where you can view activity labels indicating how active a member has been in the last 4 weeks. This label is shown next to members who have joined the deal room. Last active dateFew readers