Personal notifications settings
You can change your notifications settings in 'Personal settings' > 'Notifications' from the top right menu.

It's possible to turn on browser notifications to see all in-app notifications immediately on your screen when you have Dealum open in your browser.
You can also enable push notifications to receive notifications when Dealum is closed. Feature is available only if you have installed Dealum Web App.
Push notifications are sent if Dealum is closed in all of your devices and limited to single notification between sessions.
Additionally, you can choose how you would like to receive email notifications. The possible settings are:
Daily — receive a daily summary of all your unread in-app notifications on your email and receive other automatic system emails. The daily summary may include notifications about new applications in the deal room, new comments and funding interests on company applications, new members in the deal room, new messages in application discussions etc.
Weekly — receive a weekly summary of all your unread in-app notifications on your email.
Disabled — do not receive any summary of unread in-app notifications on your email.
In "Notification types" section, you can choose which deal rooms you want to receive notifications from as well as which notifications and how you would like to receive from each of them. Click on the deal room name to expand the settings. You can choose between three settings for each listed deal room activity that can trigger notifications:
Default — an in-app notification is enabled.
Important — you’ll get a separate email notification every time this activity happens (except for when you're online on the platform).
Disabled — you won't be notified about the activity.

For important notifications you can choose how often you want to receive them on your email. The options are:
Hourly — receive important notifications, sent while you were offline, on your email hourly.
Daily — receive important notifications, sent while you were offline, on your email once a day.
Disabled — do not receive any emails about important notifications.
If a user has not used Dealum for 30 days, email notifications will be automatically reduced to Weekly and important notifications to Daily levels to reduce unwanted emails. Levels are restored to user-defined when the user logs back in.
Some activities have only two settings — "Default" and "Disabled" since users are always notified about the activity via email.

Please note that depending on your access, you might not receive notifications about some of the activities at all, despite having corresponding notifications enabled in your settings. For more information about your access, please contact an admin of the corresponding deal room.
Activities, necessary access levels and other prerequisites for receiving a notification about the activity are explained in the following table.
Round leads can be:
any members who have been given the round lead rights in the specific funding round
members of deal rooms with lead rights who have "full edit" or "view companies and create funding rounds" access to companies in that deal room
Funding round participants are users who have marked funding interest in the round or on whose behalf a funding interest has been added.
* Funding round participants do not receive notifications about funding round related activities if they have marked that they are not interested in the application.

It's possible to turn on browser notifications to see all in-app notifications immediately on your screen when you have Dealum open in your browser.
You can also enable push notifications to receive notifications when Dealum is closed. Feature is available only if you have installed Dealum Web App.
Push notifications are sent if Dealum is closed in all of your devices and limited to single notification between sessions.
Additionally, you can choose how you would like to receive email notifications. The possible settings are:
Daily — receive a daily summary of all your unread in-app notifications on your email and receive other automatic system emails. The daily summary may include notifications about new applications in the deal room, new comments and funding interests on company applications, new members in the deal room, new messages in application discussions etc.
Weekly — receive a weekly summary of all your unread in-app notifications on your email.
Disabled — do not receive any summary of unread in-app notifications on your email.
In "Notification types" section, you can choose which deal rooms you want to receive notifications from as well as which notifications and how you would like to receive from each of them. Click on the deal room name to expand the settings. You can choose between three settings for each listed deal room activity that can trigger notifications:
Default — an in-app notification is enabled.
Important — you’ll get a separate email notification every time this activity happens (except for when you're online on the platform).
Disabled — you won't be notified about the activity.

For important notifications you can choose how often you want to receive them on your email. The options are:
Hourly — receive important notifications, sent while you were offline, on your email hourly.
Daily — receive important notifications, sent while you were offline, on your email once a day.
Disabled — do not receive any emails about important notifications.
If a user has not used Dealum for 30 days, email notifications will be automatically reduced to Weekly and important notifications to Daily levels to reduce unwanted emails. Levels are restored to user-defined when the user logs back in.
Some activities have only two settings — "Default" and "Disabled" since users are always notified about the activity via email.

Please note that depending on your access, you might not receive notifications about some of the activities at all, despite having corresponding notifications enabled in your settings. For more information about your access, please contact an admin of the corresponding deal room.
Activities, necessary access levels and other prerequisites for receiving a notification about the activity are explained in the following table.
Activity | Notification description | Who receive this notification |
Application discussion | New messages in Application discussion | Members with "full edit access" to companies and members who are following the application |
Funding discussion | New messages in Funding discussion with the company | The round leads, funding round participants*, and members who are following the application |
Internal application discussion | New messages in the Internal discussion on a company application | Deal room members who are following the application |
Funding participants discussion | New messages in Participants discussion | Funding round participants* |
Company recommendation | Another deal room member has shared a company with the member | Deal room member whom the company was shared with |
New company application | New company application in the deal room | Deal room members the new company application became visible to |
Company application assignment | A company application or an application task was assigned to a member | Deal room member whom the application or the task was assigned to |
New or changed funding interest | A funding interest was marked or changed | Members with "full edit access" or "view companies and create funding rounds" access to companies, funding round participants*, and members who are following the application |
Revoked funding interest | Member funding interest has been revoked | Members with "full edit access" or "view companies and create funding rounds" access to companies, funding round participants*, and members who are following the application |
Funding interest on my behalf | Another deal room member with "full edit access" or "view companies and create funding rounds" access to companies added a funding interest on a member's behalf | Deal room member on whose behalf the interest was added |
Funding round join request | A member requested to join a private funding round | Members with "full edit access" or "view companies and create funding rounds" access to companies |
Funding round update | Funding round information was changed or new funding round documents were added | Funding round participants* and members who are following the application |
Company accepted invitation | Company who was invited to apply to the deal room accepted the invitation | Members with "full edit access" to companies and members who are following the application |
Company updated application | Company updated their information in the application | Members with "full edit access" to companies and members who are following the application |
Company revoked access | Company revoked access to their profile updates | Members with "full edit access" to companies |
Company requested removal | Company requests removal of their data from the deal room | Members with "full edit access" to companies |
New deal room member | New member joined the deal room | Members with "full edit access" to deal room’s members list |
Left deal room member | Member removed themselves from the deal room permanently and cannot regain access on their own | Members with "full edit access" to deal room’s members list |
My member group changed | The notification recipient was moved from one access group to another in a deal room | Deal room member whose access group was changed |
Member profile update request | Deal room requested the member to create or update an investor profile | Deal room members who were asked to update their profile |
Member updated profile | Member updated information in their investor profile | Members with "full edit access" to deal room’s members list |
Event invitation | Member was invited to a deal room event | Deal room members whom the invitation was sent to |
Forum discussion | New message in a discussion thread | Deal room members who are discussion participants or belong to a participating member group |
New dashboard post | New update posted on the deal room dashboard | Members who have Dashboard access |
Dashboard post comment | New comment on a dashboard post | Author of the dashboard post and members have previously participated in the specific post's comments thread |
New network contact | Another deal room has sent you connection request | Members who have full access to Network |
New network post | New post in the deal room's Network feed | Members who have Network access |
Network post comment | New comment on a post in the Network feed | Author of the post and users who have previously participated in the specific post's comments thread |
Portfolio discussion | New message in portfolio company discussion | Members who have "full edit access" to portfolio and members who have been added as investors to any rounds of the portfolio company |
Portfolio update | New round or document upload for portfolio company | Members who have "full edit access" to portfolio and members who have been added as investors to any rounds of the portfolio company |
Round leads can be:
any members who have been given the round lead rights in the specific funding round
members of deal rooms with lead rights who have "full edit" or "view companies and create funding rounds" access to companies in that deal room
Funding round participants are users who have marked funding interest in the round or on whose behalf a funding interest has been added.
* Funding round participants do not receive notifications about funding round related activities if they have marked that they are not interested in the application.
Updated on: 05/12/2024
Thank you!