Visibility and sharing of company information (profile, page)
Company information is shared, and therefore visible, in two ways: company profile and company page.
When using Dealum, companies share data (information) with deal rooms (investors) through filling in applications. These applications consist of questions the deal rooms have hand-picked from a global pool of questions, making the application relevant to their processes.
The answers to these questions are saved. When a company answers one of the questions, they do not need to answer the same question again as they have already provided an answer. So, when a company starts filling in the next application and encounters questions they've already answered, the answers' fields will be pre-filled with the previously given answers.
Changing the answer to a question, changes the answer in all previously filled applications as well.
All the given answers, provided by the company, create the company profile and company page.
Company profile and how to share it
Company page and how to share it
Who sees this information?
Revoking deal room's access to profile updates
Company profile is an overview of all the answers a company has given throughout all applications.
It is found on the left side menu, under "Profile", On that page, you can:
Change your company logo
Get an overview of the data you've provided the deal rooms through applications
Change the data
The page can get very long, depending on how many different unique questions you have answered. To move around more efficiently, you can jump to sections using the button on the top right:

Please note that the Profile page only displays questions (and answers) in the global question pool. Some deal rooms have added custom questions that are unique only to them, and those questions can be updated only by updating the application to that deal room.
If you update answers while filling in a new application (and click Next or Back buttons), those answers are immediately updated for all previous applications that also used the same questions.
Think of this as your computer and email account. It doesn't matter which computer (question) you use, changes to your account (answer) will be implemented even if you use another device to log into that account.
This was implemented to make using Dealum easier, for all parties.
For companies, the benefits include:
Not having to answer the same question multiple (up to hundreds!) times
Updating your info is much easier and faster
Company profile is shared by filling in applications to deal rooms.
Company page is a public information page about the company that can only be shared via link.
This page is not discoverable on Google (or any other search engine) and cannot be searched on Dealum. The only way to access, is for the company to share their unique link. You can view an example here.
Companies cannot change which information is shared on the company page, i.e which questions with answers will be displayed there. This default selection has been done by Dealum, to only showcase public introductory information about the company.
Questions/answers selected for this are not inherently confidential:
Fact sheet (website, founded/registered date, stage, address etc)
1-3 sentence overviews of Problem, Solution, Business, Market, Accomplishments
Contact info (full contact info is visible only to logged in Dealum users, others can see only the contact person's name)
Team members (name, position and LinkedIn)
Pitch deck you have uploaded for shareable company page (not to confuse with the pitch deck that is visible only to deal rooms you apply to)
There are similar questions with much longer character count to go in depth with your business, and share more confidential information with your potential investors. These questions should be answered with a short descriptive answer for initial overview.
Additionally, the company page includes (if available):
Testimonials written by investors, mentors and other stakeholders (if accepted by the company)
List of organizations using Dealum that have added the company to their portfolio (if they have made this information publicly visible)
To update your company page, follow these steps:
Go to
Select your company name
On the left side menu, click on "Profile"
On the right side, find "Company page" section
Click on the "Update" button
You will be taken to a special page to update the public info. Please note that public info is still using the global pool of questions, and therefore any changes there will also be taking effect in applications where those questions are present.

You can always see what your public page looks like by clicking on "View"
To share your company page, please follow these steps:
Go to
Select your company name
On the left side menu, click on "Profile"
On the right side, click on "Share"
Choose to copy the link or to download QR code

Company profile is shared with only the deal rooms you apply to. This means all the deal room members with access to your application will be able to see it.
Additionally, the deal rooms can only see the answers to the questions they have included in their application form. Prior to adding questions to their application, they do not see which questions may or may not have been answered by the companies.
Company page will be visible to anyone with the link. The unique link is generated for each company upon creation and is visible to the company team, and later to the deal rooms the company has applied to. This page is not discoverable on Google (or any other search engine) and cannot be searched on Dealum. The only way to access, is for the company to share their unique link.
Please note that there are a few differences between a logged in Dealum user and a visitor who views your company page. A visitor will not be able to see company registration date, registry code, raised funding, and contact information:

As described above, when you update answers on the profile page, information gets updated in all active applications. If you want to prevent some of the deal rooms you have applied to from having visibility of updates in your profile information, you can revoke their access.
To do that:
Go to
Click on your company
On the opened Applications page, find the application submitted to the deal room you want to revoke access for
Click on "View application"
Click on the button with three dots at the top right corner of the opened page
Click on "Change access"
Click on "Revoke access"
A warning message pops up
Click on "Revoke" to confirm
Additionally, this will:
Disable communication features on both sides, meaning you and the deal room will no longer be able to communicate with each other
Prevent the deal room from being able to request payments from you
When using Dealum, companies share data (information) with deal rooms (investors) through filling in applications. These applications consist of questions the deal rooms have hand-picked from a global pool of questions, making the application relevant to their processes.
The answers to these questions are saved. When a company answers one of the questions, they do not need to answer the same question again as they have already provided an answer. So, when a company starts filling in the next application and encounters questions they've already answered, the answers' fields will be pre-filled with the previously given answers.
Changing the answer to a question, changes the answer in all previously filled applications as well.
All the given answers, provided by the company, create the company profile and company page.
Company profile and how to share it
Company page and how to share it
Who sees this information?
Revoking deal room's access to profile updates
Company profile
Company profile is an overview of all the answers a company has given throughout all applications.
It is found on the left side menu, under "Profile", On that page, you can:
Change your company logo
Get an overview of the data you've provided the deal rooms through applications
Change the data
The page can get very long, depending on how many different unique questions you have answered. To move around more efficiently, you can jump to sections using the button on the top right:

Please note that the Profile page only displays questions (and answers) in the global question pool. Some deal rooms have added custom questions that are unique only to them, and those questions can be updated only by updating the application to that deal room.
If you update answers while filling in a new application (and click Next or Back buttons), those answers are immediately updated for all previous applications that also used the same questions.
Think of this as your computer and email account. It doesn't matter which computer (question) you use, changes to your account (answer) will be implemented even if you use another device to log into that account.
Why does Dealum use this global question pool?
This was implemented to make using Dealum easier, for all parties.
For companies, the benefits include:
Not having to answer the same question multiple (up to hundreds!) times
Updating your info is much easier and faster
Sharing company profile
Company profile is shared by filling in applications to deal rooms.
Company page
Company page is a public information page about the company that can only be shared via link.
This page is not discoverable on Google (or any other search engine) and cannot be searched on Dealum. The only way to access, is for the company to share their unique link. You can view an example here.
Companies cannot change which information is shared on the company page, i.e which questions with answers will be displayed there. This default selection has been done by Dealum, to only showcase public introductory information about the company.
Questions/answers selected for this are not inherently confidential:
Fact sheet (website, founded/registered date, stage, address etc)
1-3 sentence overviews of Problem, Solution, Business, Market, Accomplishments
Contact info (full contact info is visible only to logged in Dealum users, others can see only the contact person's name)
Team members (name, position and LinkedIn)
Pitch deck you have uploaded for shareable company page (not to confuse with the pitch deck that is visible only to deal rooms you apply to)
There are similar questions with much longer character count to go in depth with your business, and share more confidential information with your potential investors. These questions should be answered with a short descriptive answer for initial overview.
Additionally, the company page includes (if available):
Testimonials written by investors, mentors and other stakeholders (if accepted by the company)
List of organizations using Dealum that have added the company to their portfolio (if they have made this information publicly visible)
To update your company page, follow these steps:
Go to
Select your company name
On the left side menu, click on "Profile"
On the right side, find "Company page" section
Click on the "Update" button
You will be taken to a special page to update the public info. Please note that public info is still using the global pool of questions, and therefore any changes there will also be taking effect in applications where those questions are present.

You can always see what your public page looks like by clicking on "View"
Sharing company page
To share your company page, please follow these steps:
Go to
Select your company name
On the left side menu, click on "Profile"
On the right side, click on "Share"
Choose to copy the link or to download QR code

Who sees this information?
Company profile is shared with only the deal rooms you apply to. This means all the deal room members with access to your application will be able to see it.
Additionally, the deal rooms can only see the answers to the questions they have included in their application form. Prior to adding questions to their application, they do not see which questions may or may not have been answered by the companies.
Company page will be visible to anyone with the link. The unique link is generated for each company upon creation and is visible to the company team, and later to the deal rooms the company has applied to. This page is not discoverable on Google (or any other search engine) and cannot be searched on Dealum. The only way to access, is for the company to share their unique link.
Please note that there are a few differences between a logged in Dealum user and a visitor who views your company page. A visitor will not be able to see company registration date, registry code, raised funding, and contact information:

Revoking deal room's access to profile updates
As described above, when you update answers on the profile page, information gets updated in all active applications. If you want to prevent some of the deal rooms you have applied to from having visibility of updates in your profile information, you can revoke their access.
To do that:
Go to
Click on your company
On the opened Applications page, find the application submitted to the deal room you want to revoke access for
Click on "View application"
Click on the button with three dots at the top right corner of the opened page
Click on "Change access"
Click on "Revoke access"
A warning message pops up
Click on "Revoke" to confirm
Additionally, this will:
Disable communication features on both sides, meaning you and the deal room will no longer be able to communicate with each other
Prevent the deal room from being able to request payments from you
Updated on: 28/01/2025
Thank you!