Testimonials about companies
Testimonials can be written by investors, mentors and other stakeholders of the company to share their experience with the company. Anyone who has access to the company's application and activity access in the deal room can write a testimonial. You can view company's existing testimonials and add your own testimonial in the Overview tab of their application.

When you add a testimonial, companies need to review it first, and can choose to accept or delete it. Once accepted, testimonials will appear on their company page and all current and future applications. Until accepted or deleted, author is able to edit their testimonial and the testimonial is visible only in the deal room it was added in.
Accepted testimonials are visible in:
company page
pages of funding rounds connected to the company
all applications
Testimonials can be deleted by:
the company
the testimonial's author
members who have full edit access to companies in the deal room where the testimonial was added
Once deleted, the testimonial will disappear from the company page, funding round pages and all applications of the company.
Testimonials can be written only in deal rooms that have an active Dealum subscription.

When you add a testimonial, companies need to review it first, and can choose to accept or delete it. Once accepted, testimonials will appear on their company page and all current and future applications. Until accepted or deleted, author is able to edit their testimonial and the testimonial is visible only in the deal room it was added in.
Accepted testimonials are visible in:
company page
pages of funding rounds connected to the company
all applications
Testimonials can be deleted by:
the company
the testimonial's author
members who have full edit access to companies in the deal room where the testimonial was added
Once deleted, the testimonial will disappear from the company page, funding round pages and all applications of the company.
Testimonials can be written only in deal rooms that have an active Dealum subscription.
Updated on: 18/07/2024
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