Customization of funnel and application form
How can I edit/customize my funnel?
What are the use cases of different step types?
How can I customize the application form for companies?
How can I preview my deal room's company application form?
How can I customize the intro and outro text of company application?
Your funnel is fully customizable. You can have as many steps as you need in your funnel and their names and properties can also be customized.
To edit your funnel:
go to deal room settings
open the Preferences tab
click on “Funnel” in the Setup section

Alternatively, you can navigate to Funnel setup when you click on the settings icon (a cog) in the funnel view.

In Funnel setup you can:
add and delete funnel steps
move steps’ position in the funnel
edit step names
configure step types (read more below)
choose which deal room section (default options are Funnel and Database) the step is located in
activate and configure application links for chosen funnel steps
set up voting in chosen funnel step(s)
activate triggers
choose which questions are activated in different funnel steps as optional or as required

You can learn more about funnel customization from this video.
Inbox type of steps should be used for collecting company applications. Applications from companies that are invited by your deal room members using the ‘Invite company’ action are always received to the first inbox type of step you have in your Funnel or deal room’s Discover section. In the inbox type of step, you will also see the source of applications in the funnel list view.
Complete type of steps allow companies whose applications are stored there to submit new applications to your deal room. This type should be used for all steps where you store applications of companies who have received funding from you so that those companies could apply again for a new funding round. In the Funnel view, Complete type of steps have a column “Portfolio round” that shows the name of the first round connected to the specific application in your portfolio. It is not possible to add voting to a complete type of step or activate an application link for it.
On hold
Meant for storing applications you decided not to accept or reject immediately but want to keep an eye on the company. It is not possible to add voting to the on hold type of step or activate an application link for it.
Archive type of step is connected to the ‘Archive’ action available in the ‘All actions’ menu of company applications. Using that action moves applications to the funnel step which type you have set as archive or opens a dialogue where you can choose a step from archive type of funnel steps you have set up in your deal room (in case you have multiple). Applications you move to an archive type of funnel step automatically get locked for changes (you are able to unlock them when needed however). We recommend setting the step type as archive for the main funnel step where you store rejected applications. Companies whose applications are stored in the archive type of step are able to submit a new application to your deal room. It is not possible to add voting to the archive type of step or activate an application link for it.
This is the step type you should use for all other regular funnel steps in the middle of your process.
Deleted type of step is connected to the ‘Delete’ action available in the ‘All actions’ menu of company applications. Using that action moves applications to the funnel step which type is configured as deleted or opens a dialogue where you can choose a step from deleted type of funnel steps you have set up in your deal room (in case you have multiple). It is not possible to add voting to the deleted type of step or activate an application link for it. Applications you move to a deleted type of funnel step automatically get locked for changes (you are able to unlock them when needed however) and will be permanently removed from your deal room after 30 days. Companies whose applications are stored in a deleted type of step are able to submit a new application to your deal room.
If you store an application in normal, inbox or on hold type of step, the company can only update their submitted application but cannot submit a new application to your deal room.
Please note that companies can see the status of their application based on the type of the funnel step you store it in. The following statuses correspond to funnel step types:
inbox => inbox (unless the application has been locked for changes)
normal => active (unless the application has been locked for changes)
on hold => on hold (unless the application has been locked for changes)
archive => archived
complete => complete
deleted => archived
You can also learn about company application form customization from this video.
To customize your deal room’s application form navigate to Funnel setup. You can select the questions you want to include in your application form from the questions library that opens by clicking on the “Add question” button in the top left corner of the setup matrix. You can search for questions by entering keywords in the "Filter" box on top of the question bank. Tick the questions you want to include and untick the ones you don’t need in your application form.
If you need some custom questions in your application form that you cannot find from our library, please get in touch with your account manager or our support.
You can see the questions that are currently activated in your deal room on the left side of the Funnel setup view. There you can also:
see the character limit of the question if it has one
see the type of the input field (icon in front of the question – you can also move your cursor on it to see a description)
see the question’s description below the question (if it has one)
see if the question depends on another question (is asked only if the applicant gives a specific answer to the question it depends on)
see which questions are subquestions of a question set (marked with a grey line on the left from the question)
remove the question from the deal room by clicking on “x” next to the question

Please note that there are some questions that cannot be removed. These are minimum questions for company profile creation on Dealum.
In the table view, you can choose for each question which steps it is activated in as optional or as required. Making a question required in a step where you have an application link activated means that applicants won't be able to submit their application without answering that question. Making a question required in any other step means that companies in those steps are unable to update their application without answering that question.
Choosing a question to be 'Optional' means that the question will be visible to applicants but answering it is not required for submitting/editing the application.
Here's what colored boxes in the table view mean:
white = the question is deactivated in the corresponding step
yellow = the question is optional in the corresponding step
green = the question is required in the corresponding step
When you move your cursor onto a box, four buttons appear. Here’s what they do:
☑ – makes the question required in the corresponding step
? – makes the question optional in the corresponding step
x – deactivates the question in the corresponding step
➜| – applies the required/optional status for this question in all following funnel steps

Please note that questions that are activated in a funnel step are connected to information that is visible on company applications in that step. For example, if the question “Website” is deactivated in a step, company websites are not visible on any applications that are stored in that step, even if the company has filled in that question in the application form. Website would become visible once the application is moved to a funnel step the question “Website” is activated in.
To keep things simple, we recommend activating the question in the step where you first need that information from companies and keeping it activated in all following funnel steps.
If you decide to collect information from companies step by step, we recommend reading this article.
To preview your company application form:
go to Funnel setup
open the actions menu of the funnel step the application link is activated for
click on "Preview the application form" at the bottom of the dialogue
You can use the option ‘New company profile’ in the application form preview wizard.

You can also preview the form when you:
go to deal room settings
navigate to the Links tab
scroll down to the Company application section
find the step which application form you want to preview
click on the Preview button above the real application link

While previewing, inputs are not validated and changes are not permanently saved. Please do not distribute the preview link as it is only for testing purposes. Companies can not apply to your deal room on this link.
You can set up custom intro and outro text for your company application form(s). Intro text is shown on the first page companies see when they start the application process and outro text is what they see after submitting the application.
To customize the intro and outro text:
go to deal room settings
open the Links tab
scroll down to the "Company application" section
choose the setting "Custom" for intro and/or outro text
write your custom text in the text box that appears below
hit the Save button at the bottom of the screen

If you have activated application links for multiple funnel steps and would like companies that apply using different links to see different application intro and/or outro screens, you can configure a custom intro and outro for each link separately in the application link settings.
If link-specific intro or outro has not been configured for some links, applicants will see the intro and outro that have been specified in deal room settings > Links on those links.
What are the use cases of different step types?
How can I customize the application form for companies?
How can I preview my deal room's company application form?
How can I customize the intro and outro text of company application?
How can I edit/customize my funnel?
Your funnel is fully customizable. You can have as many steps as you need in your funnel and their names and properties can also be customized.
To edit your funnel:
go to deal room settings
open the Preferences tab
click on “Funnel” in the Setup section

Alternatively, you can navigate to Funnel setup when you click on the settings icon (a cog) in the funnel view.

In Funnel setup you can:
add and delete funnel steps
move steps’ position in the funnel
edit step names
configure step types (read more below)
choose which deal room section (default options are Funnel and Database) the step is located in
activate and configure application links for chosen funnel steps
set up voting in chosen funnel step(s)
activate triggers
choose which questions are activated in different funnel steps as optional or as required

You can learn more about funnel customization from this video.
What are the use cases of different step types?
Inbox type of steps should be used for collecting company applications. Applications from companies that are invited by your deal room members using the ‘Invite company’ action are always received to the first inbox type of step you have in your Funnel or deal room’s Discover section. In the inbox type of step, you will also see the source of applications in the funnel list view.
Complete type of steps allow companies whose applications are stored there to submit new applications to your deal room. This type should be used for all steps where you store applications of companies who have received funding from you so that those companies could apply again for a new funding round. In the Funnel view, Complete type of steps have a column “Portfolio round” that shows the name of the first round connected to the specific application in your portfolio. It is not possible to add voting to a complete type of step or activate an application link for it.
On hold
Meant for storing applications you decided not to accept or reject immediately but want to keep an eye on the company. It is not possible to add voting to the on hold type of step or activate an application link for it.
Archive type of step is connected to the ‘Archive’ action available in the ‘All actions’ menu of company applications. Using that action moves applications to the funnel step which type you have set as archive or opens a dialogue where you can choose a step from archive type of funnel steps you have set up in your deal room (in case you have multiple). Applications you move to an archive type of funnel step automatically get locked for changes (you are able to unlock them when needed however). We recommend setting the step type as archive for the main funnel step where you store rejected applications. Companies whose applications are stored in the archive type of step are able to submit a new application to your deal room. It is not possible to add voting to the archive type of step or activate an application link for it.
This is the step type you should use for all other regular funnel steps in the middle of your process.
Deleted type of step is connected to the ‘Delete’ action available in the ‘All actions’ menu of company applications. Using that action moves applications to the funnel step which type is configured as deleted or opens a dialogue where you can choose a step from deleted type of funnel steps you have set up in your deal room (in case you have multiple). It is not possible to add voting to the deleted type of step or activate an application link for it. Applications you move to a deleted type of funnel step automatically get locked for changes (you are able to unlock them when needed however) and will be permanently removed from your deal room after 30 days. Companies whose applications are stored in a deleted type of step are able to submit a new application to your deal room.
If you store an application in normal, inbox or on hold type of step, the company can only update their submitted application but cannot submit a new application to your deal room.
Please note that companies can see the status of their application based on the type of the funnel step you store it in. The following statuses correspond to funnel step types:
inbox => inbox (unless the application has been locked for changes)
normal => active (unless the application has been locked for changes)
on hold => on hold (unless the application has been locked for changes)
archive => archived
complete => complete
deleted => archived
How can I customize the application form for companies?
You can also learn about company application form customization from this video.
To customize your deal room’s application form navigate to Funnel setup. You can select the questions you want to include in your application form from the questions library that opens by clicking on the “Add question” button in the top left corner of the setup matrix. You can search for questions by entering keywords in the "Filter" box on top of the question bank. Tick the questions you want to include and untick the ones you don’t need in your application form.
If you need some custom questions in your application form that you cannot find from our library, please get in touch with your account manager or our support.
You can see the questions that are currently activated in your deal room on the left side of the Funnel setup view. There you can also:
see the character limit of the question if it has one
see the type of the input field (icon in front of the question – you can also move your cursor on it to see a description)
see the question’s description below the question (if it has one)
see if the question depends on another question (is asked only if the applicant gives a specific answer to the question it depends on)
see which questions are subquestions of a question set (marked with a grey line on the left from the question)
remove the question from the deal room by clicking on “x” next to the question

Please note that there are some questions that cannot be removed. These are minimum questions for company profile creation on Dealum.
In the table view, you can choose for each question which steps it is activated in as optional or as required. Making a question required in a step where you have an application link activated means that applicants won't be able to submit their application without answering that question. Making a question required in any other step means that companies in those steps are unable to update their application without answering that question.
Choosing a question to be 'Optional' means that the question will be visible to applicants but answering it is not required for submitting/editing the application.
Here's what colored boxes in the table view mean:
white = the question is deactivated in the corresponding step
yellow = the question is optional in the corresponding step
green = the question is required in the corresponding step
When you move your cursor onto a box, four buttons appear. Here’s what they do:
☑ – makes the question required in the corresponding step
? – makes the question optional in the corresponding step
x – deactivates the question in the corresponding step
➜| – applies the required/optional status for this question in all following funnel steps

Please note that questions that are activated in a funnel step are connected to information that is visible on company applications in that step. For example, if the question “Website” is deactivated in a step, company websites are not visible on any applications that are stored in that step, even if the company has filled in that question in the application form. Website would become visible once the application is moved to a funnel step the question “Website” is activated in.
To keep things simple, we recommend activating the question in the step where you first need that information from companies and keeping it activated in all following funnel steps.
If you decide to collect information from companies step by step, we recommend reading this article.
How can I preview my deal room's company application form?
To preview your company application form:
go to Funnel setup
open the actions menu of the funnel step the application link is activated for
click on "Preview the application form" at the bottom of the dialogue
You can use the option ‘New company profile’ in the application form preview wizard.

You can also preview the form when you:
go to deal room settings
navigate to the Links tab
scroll down to the Company application section
find the step which application form you want to preview
click on the Preview button above the real application link

While previewing, inputs are not validated and changes are not permanently saved. Please do not distribute the preview link as it is only for testing purposes. Companies can not apply to your deal room on this link.
How can I customize the intro and outro text of company application?
You can set up custom intro and outro text for your company application form(s). Intro text is shown on the first page companies see when they start the application process and outro text is what they see after submitting the application.
To customize the intro and outro text:
go to deal room settings
open the Links tab
scroll down to the "Company application" section
choose the setting "Custom" for intro and/or outro text
write your custom text in the text box that appears below
hit the Save button at the bottom of the screen

If you have activated application links for multiple funnel steps and would like companies that apply using different links to see different application intro and/or outro screens, you can configure a custom intro and outro for each link separately in the application link settings.
If link-specific intro or outro has not been configured for some links, applicants will see the intro and outro that have been specified in deal room settings > Links on those links.
Updated on: 08/11/2024
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