Articles on: Funnel and Applications

Closing applications to a deal room

How can I close applications to a deal room? / How to close a deal room from accepting applications?

To deactivate your application link, follow these steps:
go to deal room settings
open the Preferences tab
click on "Funnel" in the Setup section
open the additional actions menu (from three dots) of the funnel step where you want to stop receiving applications
choose '"Application link"
untick "Application link active"
click "OK"
click "Save" at the bottom of the window

Alternatively, you can determine the date range when the application link is active. After the determined time period has passed, the application link will automatically become inactive. This can be done in the same dialogue by ticking "Date limit" and choosing the start and the end date for accepting applications. Please note that if you want applications to be open for the whole day on the last day of accepting them, you should set the "To date" value to 12:00 AM on the following day.

If you have enabled unfinished applications in the funnel step, then companies that have started an application to your deal room but have not finished it can still finish their application after you have closed the application link. To prevent such companies from finishing their applications, you have to remove all unfinished applications from your deal room after deactivating your application link.

Updated on: 22/03/2023

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