Articles on: Funnel and Applications

Exporting funding interests

Only deal room members who have full access to deal room settings can export funding reports.

It is possible to export the funding report of your deal room as an Excel. To do it:
go to deal room settings
navigate to the Export / Import tab
choose “Funding report” from the Export section

As a results, an Excel report will be downloaded with all funding interests marked/added in your deal room by deal room members and on their behalf. You can see which company application each funding interest was added on, what was the amount (if present) and what tags were added to the interest. You can also find some additional data from the report, such as whether and when each funding interest was last modified and whether the person had the round lead rights.

Additionally, it is possible to export funding interests added to applications that are in a specific funnel step. For that:
go to corresponding funnel step
open the actions menu from the top right corner of the funnel
choose “Export funding results of {step name}”

Updated on: 29/05/2023

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