Articles on: Funnel and Applications

Voting (overview)

How does voting/rating work on Dealum?

Voting is meant for collaborative decision-making and evaluation of applications in a deal room. Voting is tied to a specific funnel step. All members who have access to the step where voting takes place can also participate in voting (unless configured differently when setting up the voting round). Voting can be added to any step in your funnel and several votings can be active at the same time in different steps of your funnel.

It's up to you to decide what you ask your deal room members to evaluate (meaning that voting/rating questions/criteria can be entered by you) and whether answer options are textual (can be entered by you) or your rating is based on a numeric scale (the scale can be chosen by you). It's possible to show voters the ratings/votes that other people have given to applications or hide others' votes from them. 

You can learn more about voting from this video.

Updated on: 05/04/2023

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