Configuring the funnel view
Changing the default funnel view in the deal room
Switching between funnel views
Configuring fields
Deal room admins can choose how they want all deal room members to see the funnel view by default. To do it:
Go to deal room settings
Navigate to the Preferences tab
In the Configuration section, change the value for "Default application table view"

All members are able to switch between these views themselves as well. The default view will be shown to those who have not made a personalized choice.
You can switch between the table view, cards view and all applications view by clicking on the "View" button at the top of the funnel and making the relevant choice.

This preference will be saved for your user account to your current browser and will be shown to you next time you log in in the same browser.
When configuring fields, you can firstly choose which workflow process you want fields that are visible in your funnel view to be focused on. The available options depend on functionalities available in the deal room.

Fields that are visible with each field set can be further customized when you choose "Select fields" when having the relevant field set selected (e.g. if you want to customize the fields that are shown when using the option "Tasks", select "Tasks" from the dropdown and then click on "Select fields" at the bottom of the menu).
Tick the fields you want to see in the funnel in the dialogue that opens and close the dialogue by pressing "Save".

Choices you make in this dialogue affect only your own user account in the browser you’re using at the time of making the choices. They affect your view only in the deal room where you configure them and do not apply to other deal rooms you're a member of.
Please note that if information for some fields is not available in some funnel steps, those fields will automatically be hidden in such steps. Some fields may also be hidden when you’re using Dealum on a small screen/in a small window and there is not enough space to display all selected information.
Here’s what the checkboxes in the fields selection dialogue mean:
Tasks — shows deal room members who have been assigned to work with the application/have been assigned tasks related to the application. Available only if application tasks are enabled in the deal room.
Tags — shows tags added to the application. Available only if application and member tags are enabled in the deal room.
Your vote — shows the vote(s) you have given to each application. Available only if voting is activated in the funnel step and you’re a voting member or have access to voting results.
Voting progress — shows how many votes the application has received of total possible votes from voting members. Available only if voting is activated in the funnel step and you have access to voting results.
Voting result — shows the voting results if you are allowed to see them. Available only if voting is activated in the funnel step.
Location — shows the city and country the company is based in.
One-liner — shows the company's one-liner.
Source — shows where applications came from. Available only in the Inbox type of step.
Portfolio round — shows a link to the first round connected to the specific application in your portfolio. Available only in the Complete type of step.
Date — shows the date of your choice related to the application (see more below).
Funding — shows funding progress, number of investors who have indicated funding interest, sum of their funding interest amounts, and number of deal rooms participating in the syndicated funding round (if applicable)
The fields selection dialogue shows you only columns that are available in the funnel step you opened it in.
The options you can choose between for the Date field are:
Added to the deal room (column header "Date added") — the date the application first appeared in your deal room.
Added to the step (column header "Date moved") — the date the application was moved to the funnel step it is currently in.
Submitted by the company (column header "Date submitted") — the date the company submitted the application to your deal room.
Last reviewed by the company (column header "Date reviewed") — the date the company last reviewed or updated their application (it means that the company went through the "Company application update" wizard and clicked "Complete" at the end).
Access revoked (column header "Date revoked") — the date the company chose to lock information on this application and prevent it from showing future changes in their profile information. You can read more about it here.
Information locked (column header "Date locked") — the date you locked the application for changes in your deal room.
Switching between funnel views
Configuring fields
Changing the default funnel view in the deal room
Deal room admins can choose how they want all deal room members to see the funnel view by default. To do it:
Go to deal room settings
Navigate to the Preferences tab
In the Configuration section, change the value for "Default application table view"

All members are able to switch between these views themselves as well. The default view will be shown to those who have not made a personalized choice.
Switching between funnel views
You can switch between the table view, cards view and all applications view by clicking on the "View" button at the top of the funnel and making the relevant choice.

This preference will be saved for your user account to your current browser and will be shown to you next time you log in in the same browser.
Configuring fields
When configuring fields, you can firstly choose which workflow process you want fields that are visible in your funnel view to be focused on. The available options depend on functionalities available in the deal room.

Fields that are visible with each field set can be further customized when you choose "Select fields" when having the relevant field set selected (e.g. if you want to customize the fields that are shown when using the option "Tasks", select "Tasks" from the dropdown and then click on "Select fields" at the bottom of the menu).
Tick the fields you want to see in the funnel in the dialogue that opens and close the dialogue by pressing "Save".

Choices you make in this dialogue affect only your own user account in the browser you’re using at the time of making the choices. They affect your view only in the deal room where you configure them and do not apply to other deal rooms you're a member of.
Please note that if information for some fields is not available in some funnel steps, those fields will automatically be hidden in such steps. Some fields may also be hidden when you’re using Dealum on a small screen/in a small window and there is not enough space to display all selected information.
Here’s what the checkboxes in the fields selection dialogue mean:
Tasks — shows deal room members who have been assigned to work with the application/have been assigned tasks related to the application. Available only if application tasks are enabled in the deal room.
Tags — shows tags added to the application. Available only if application and member tags are enabled in the deal room.
Your vote — shows the vote(s) you have given to each application. Available only if voting is activated in the funnel step and you’re a voting member or have access to voting results.
Voting progress — shows how many votes the application has received of total possible votes from voting members. Available only if voting is activated in the funnel step and you have access to voting results.
Voting result — shows the voting results if you are allowed to see them. Available only if voting is activated in the funnel step.
Location — shows the city and country the company is based in.
One-liner — shows the company's one-liner.
Source — shows where applications came from. Available only in the Inbox type of step.
Portfolio round — shows a link to the first round connected to the specific application in your portfolio. Available only in the Complete type of step.
Date — shows the date of your choice related to the application (see more below).
Funding — shows funding progress, number of investors who have indicated funding interest, sum of their funding interest amounts, and number of deal rooms participating in the syndicated funding round (if applicable)
The fields selection dialogue shows you only columns that are available in the funnel step you opened it in.
The options you can choose between for the Date field are:
Added to the deal room (column header "Date added") — the date the application first appeared in your deal room.
Added to the step (column header "Date moved") — the date the application was moved to the funnel step it is currently in.
Submitted by the company (column header "Date submitted") — the date the company submitted the application to your deal room.
Last reviewed by the company (column header "Date reviewed") — the date the company last reviewed or updated their application (it means that the company went through the "Company application update" wizard and clicked "Complete" at the end).
Access revoked (column header "Date revoked") — the date the company chose to lock information on this application and prevent it from showing future changes in their profile information. You can read more about it here.
Information locked (column header "Date locked") — the date you locked the application for changes in your deal room.
Updated on: 24/04/2024
Thank you!