Articles on: Funnel and Applications

Viewing, interpreting and exporting voting results

How to interpret vote results?
How to export vote results?
How to see all vote results of a specific application / see who has rated a specific application in any of the funnel steps?
How to share voting results with companies?

How to interpret vote results?

When you’re looking at the vote results in the funnel list view in the funnel step where the voting round is active, you can see a column “Result” (unless you have deactivated this column or you don’t have the right to see others’ votes).

If the voting round has only one voting question, you can see results for that question in the column. How the results are displayed and should be interpreted, depends on the results type that is used for the question. If the results type “average” or “sum” is used, you might see a value like 12 or 3.8. If the results type “count” is used, you will see the result in the format: [answer option 1]: 8, [answer option 2]: 3, e.g. Yes: 9, No: 11. It shows how many voters chose the corresponding answer option when voting on the application.

If the voting round has multiple voting questions, you will see the overall result in the column with results of each voting question next to it as smaller grey numbers. It might look like this (3.25 being the overall result):

The first number is calculated as weighted average of all votes the application received. Votes given by members who have answered only some but not all voting questions are also taken into account.

If the voting round has two voting questions and two people have to evaluate an application and one of them answers to both but the other one answers to only one of the two voting questions, then the number of votes would be 3.

For example:
There is a voting round with Questions A and B which both have answer options "1" and "2" with matching values. The impact of Question A on the final result is 100% and the impact of Question is 200%. There are two voting members. Member X votes "1" on Question A and "2" on Question B. Member Y votes "2" on Question A and doesn't vote on Question B.
The overall result would be calculated as follows: (1+2+2+2)/4=1.75.

The values shown as smaller grey numbers are results of each voting question, in the same order as voting questions appear in the voting view. How those values are displayed and how to interpret them, depends on the results type used for each voting question.

If you're looking at the vote results in the voting bar (voting view) or by choosing "All vote results" from the All actions menu of the application, you can see which results type is used for each question.

You can read more about results types from this article.

The column "Progress" in the funnel list view shows the percentage of the total possible votes each application has received. The number of total possible votes depends on the number of members who can vote in the voting round and the number of voting questions. One vote = one answer to one voting question.

How to export vote results?

Only members who have full access to deal room settings can export data.

To export vote results:
go to your deal room settings
open the Export / Import tab
choose "All voting results" from the Exports section

Alternatively, you can go to a funnel step where a voting round is active, open the additional actions menu from the right top corner of the funnel view and choose "Export all vote results". The .xlsx file you get includes an average rating for each company in each step you have set up a voting round (including voting rounds that are currently not active) as well as detailed results of each round.

To export the results of a specific voting round only:
go to the funnel step where that voting round is currently active,
open the menu from the arrow in the upper right corner of your funnel
choose "Export vote results of {step name}"

Only vote results of applications that are currently in that step will be exported.

How to see all vote results of a specific application / see who has rated a specific application in any of the funnel steps?

To see all vote results of a specific application:
open the All actions menu (down-pointing arrow in the funnel list view) of that application
choose "All vote results"

In the window that opens, you can see:
vote results of every voting round the application has gone through
who voted on the application in each round
how each voter/jury member voted on the application in each round

How to share voting results with companies?

You can easily share voting results with companies by copying them and sending them to the company. The “Copy” button can be found when selecting “All vote results” from the Actions menu connected to the company application.

You can learn more about voting from this video.

Updated on: 04/07/2024

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