Dealum vocabulary (for deal room admins and investors)
Sometimes the phrases we use in our product may be confusing as they are not exactly the same as in some other software or product you have used before. This is neither a mistake, or a negative thing for either side - it happens often that softwares use the same phrase for similar things. Or different phrases for the same thing.
To help you along, and to better utilize Dealum without confusion, we've compiled a list of phrases we feel can help you along.
General phrases
Member-related phrases
Phrases used in the Funnel & applications
deal room - a closed workspace where deal room members manage company applications, network and team members, funding rounds, events and other relevant processes. One individual user account can belong to multiple deal rooms.
(user) account - account is associated with an email address and is not dependant on the number of companies or deal rooms it is part of. Deleting a company or deal room; or removing an account from company or deal room, will not delete the account. Owner of the account is in charge of any account-related information, and making any changes to it.
deal room admin - account that has full access to deal room settings, and full view and edit access to all parts of the deal room. One deal room can have multiple admins.
primary contact - account associated with being "responsible" for the deal room. Contact person for invoicing and other administrative questions. Has to be a deal room admin.
home - account-specific page that is shown after logging in. Features all companies and deal rooms associated with the logged in account, as well as shows all unread messages, upcoming events, notifications, most recent funding interests.
dashboard - deal room specific page that is shown upon entering a deal room. Meant for sharing updates with deal room members, highlighting company applications or deal room events, and participating in discussions.
discussion - feature used to message other Dealum users. Access to and visibility of any discussion depends on the type of discussion (dashboard discussion, application-related discussions, funding discussion, participants discussion, portfolio discussion).
deal room member (member seat) - a recorded member of deal room, regardless of having an account or not. Members with accounts can use Dealum on their own. Admins have to add members without accounts to funding rounds, events etc.

member application form - used when deal room accepts new members through a link. Deal room admins decide if new members need to answer a set of questions before they are added to the deal room.
investor profile - a collection of information about investor's background, investment interests and/or history, and other related data. Deal rooms can require joining members to create or update investor profiles. Investor profile requires a personal deal room that stores the investor-related data, either as a person, or as an organization (or both).
member group - used by deal room admins to assign access level (for example, view/view&edit/no access) to various deal room features. A deal room member can only have one member group (a defined set of access rights) assigned to them.
company application form - deal room admins can configure and set up the application form. The application form is accessible to the companies by link or invitation. After companies fill in the form with their data, it becomes company application in the deal room's Funnel. You can preview the application form your applicants will see.
company application - application form that has been filled with data by a company, with the expectation of funding. One company can present multiple applications to one deal room, usually when they are raising new funding.

application overview tab - opening view of the company application. This tab aims to give an overview of what the company does and why, showcasing the pitchdeck and fact sheet.
application details tab - more in-depth answers to the questions the deal room has asked from the company. These questions are configured in the Funnel setup.
application reporting tab - monthly updates of KPIs and other relevant metrics or updates from the company. Company needs to give you access to their reporting data, or you can request access from them. It can also be added to the company application form, so companies fill the reporting data as they apply, or update their applications.
application data room tab - a dedicated space connected to each company application where you can view or manage documents related to this application, but with additional restricted access to this tab only.
application funding tab - aggregates funding round details, as well as internal (and potentially external) investor interests to participate in the funding round.
application discussions tab - aggregates all discussion threads that are related to the specific application. "Internal discussions" are for deal room members only, and "Discussions with company" is also visible to all team members of that company.
application documents tab - a dedicated space connected to each company application where you can view or manage documents related to this application. Members with insufficient access rights cannot see this tab, and company can only see documents they've uploaded; or documents that have been made visible to them. Not all documents are connected to an application.
Please let us know if this article is missing an important phrase you were looking for!
To help you along, and to better utilize Dealum without confusion, we've compiled a list of phrases we feel can help you along.
General phrases
Member-related phrases
Phrases used in the Funnel & applications
General phrases
deal room - a closed workspace where deal room members manage company applications, network and team members, funding rounds, events and other relevant processes. One individual user account can belong to multiple deal rooms.
(user) account - account is associated with an email address and is not dependant on the number of companies or deal rooms it is part of. Deleting a company or deal room; or removing an account from company or deal room, will not delete the account. Owner of the account is in charge of any account-related information, and making any changes to it.
deal room admin - account that has full access to deal room settings, and full view and edit access to all parts of the deal room. One deal room can have multiple admins.
primary contact - account associated with being "responsible" for the deal room. Contact person for invoicing and other administrative questions. Has to be a deal room admin.
home - account-specific page that is shown after logging in. Features all companies and deal rooms associated with the logged in account, as well as shows all unread messages, upcoming events, notifications, most recent funding interests.
dashboard - deal room specific page that is shown upon entering a deal room. Meant for sharing updates with deal room members, highlighting company applications or deal room events, and participating in discussions.
discussion - feature used to message other Dealum users. Access to and visibility of any discussion depends on the type of discussion (dashboard discussion, application-related discussions, funding discussion, participants discussion, portfolio discussion).
Member-related phrases
deal room member (member seat) - a recorded member of deal room, regardless of having an account or not. Members with accounts can use Dealum on their own. Admins have to add members without accounts to funding rounds, events etc.

member application form - used when deal room accepts new members through a link. Deal room admins decide if new members need to answer a set of questions before they are added to the deal room.
investor profile - a collection of information about investor's background, investment interests and/or history, and other related data. Deal rooms can require joining members to create or update investor profiles. Investor profile requires a personal deal room that stores the investor-related data, either as a person, or as an organization (or both).
member group - used by deal room admins to assign access level (for example, view/view&edit/no access) to various deal room features. A deal room member can only have one member group (a defined set of access rights) assigned to them.
Phrases used in the Funnel & applications
company application form - deal room admins can configure and set up the application form. The application form is accessible to the companies by link or invitation. After companies fill in the form with their data, it becomes company application in the deal room's Funnel. You can preview the application form your applicants will see.
company application - application form that has been filled with data by a company, with the expectation of funding. One company can present multiple applications to one deal room, usually when they are raising new funding.

application overview tab - opening view of the company application. This tab aims to give an overview of what the company does and why, showcasing the pitchdeck and fact sheet.
application details tab - more in-depth answers to the questions the deal room has asked from the company. These questions are configured in the Funnel setup.
application reporting tab - monthly updates of KPIs and other relevant metrics or updates from the company. Company needs to give you access to their reporting data, or you can request access from them. It can also be added to the company application form, so companies fill the reporting data as they apply, or update their applications.
application data room tab - a dedicated space connected to each company application where you can view or manage documents related to this application, but with additional restricted access to this tab only.
application funding tab - aggregates funding round details, as well as internal (and potentially external) investor interests to participate in the funding round.
application discussions tab - aggregates all discussion threads that are related to the specific application. "Internal discussions" are for deal room members only, and "Discussions with company" is also visible to all team members of that company.
application documents tab - a dedicated space connected to each company application where you can view or manage documents related to this application. Members with insufficient access rights cannot see this tab, and company can only see documents they've uploaded; or documents that have been made visible to them. Not all documents are connected to an application.
Please let us know if this article is missing an important phrase you were looking for!
Updated on: 10/04/2024
Thank you!